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Website title: Micronova - Micronova
Website Overview: This domain's WHOIS records was updated on October 30th in 2017. The server, which itself is located in Espoo; Finland, has an IP address The past 3 months resulted in Alexa position shift by +187445 for Overall there are 4 off-site links on the homepage of the website. At this time, our database holds no entry of registration date. Alexa Global rank for is 612433.
Known Profiles
Google Plus Account:Not specified at this time
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Adsense ID:Not specified at this time
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Index in-depth overview
Server region:Espoo; Finland
Site IP address:
Number of top offsite links
Site Whois details
Renew date:October 30th in 2017
Unedited Whois text:

domain.............: status.............: Registered created............: 18.6.2004 expires............: 18.6.2018 available..........: 18.7.2018 modified...........: 7.9.2017 holder transfer....: 26.2.2014 RegistryLock.......: no Nameservers nserver............: [] [OK] nserver............: [] [OK] nserver............: [] [OK] dnssec.............: unsigned delegation Holder name...............: Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö register number....: 2228357-4 address............: Viestintä/Nina Saarimaa address............: PL 17800 address............: 00076 address............: AALTO country............: Finland phone..............: +358504641953 holder email.......: Registrar registrar..........: Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö >>> Last update of WHOIS database: 30.10.2017 16:15:24 (EET) <<< Copyright (c) Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority

Expected expiration:No data yet
Creation date:No data yet
How frequently employedTag keywords tableUse denseness
No data yetNo data yetNo data yet
Known Alexa ranks data
Rank in target country:No data yet
Alexa stats updated on:June 14th in 2018
Global Alexa rank over the past year
Capacity rating:No data yet
Delta of the rating:+187445
30 day statistics overview
Global ranking:612433
Webpage target country:No data yet
Complementary links
Not specified at this time
Server header response:
Pragma: public Expires: Mon, 30 Oct 2017 14:40:27 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Vary: Accept-Encoding Accept-Ranges: bytes Cache-Control: public max-age=900 X-node: fiaalmgd03 Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2017 14:26:58 GMT ETag: W/50d6ed359e254bf72135af90fc5f90a0b5eee2ea814de6f5f6e15a110ef0c371 Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) X-MidCOM-data-cache: HIT C-50d6ed359e254bf72135af90fc5f90a0b5eee2ea814de6f5f6e15a110ef0c371 Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Accept, Accept-CH, Accept-Charset, Accept-Datetime, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Ext, Accept-Features, Accept-Language, Accept-Params, Accept-Ranges, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, Age, Allow, Alternates, Authentication-Info, Authorization, C-Ext, C-Man, C-Opt, C-PEP, C-PEP-Info, CONNECT, Cache-Control, Compliance, Connection, Content-Base, 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UA-Resolution, UA-Windowpixels, URI, Upgrade, User-Agent, Variant-Vary, Vary, Version, Via, Viewport-Width, WWW-Authenticate, Want-Digest, Warning, Width, X-Content-Duration, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-CustomHeader, X-DNSPrefetch-Control, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Frame-Options, X-Modified, X-OTHER, X-PING, X-PINGOTHER, X-Powered-By, X-Requested-With Via: 1.1 varnish-v4 Last-Modified: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:14:26 GMT Connection: close X-Varnish: 196679 655363 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 11549 X-Cache: HIT Age: 267 X-MidCOM-meta-cache: HIT C-50d6ed359e254bf72135af90fc5f90a0b5eee2ea814de6f5f6e15a110ef0c371 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * X-MidCOM-meta-cache: HIT R-416b0b24e9771ee68f1a4eb7b54a45b4c17dbc89c85f184b251ee28129ea6196 X-Powered-By: Midgard/8.10.0 Access-Control-Allow-Methods: CONNECT, DEBUG, DELETE, DONE, GET, HEAD, HTTP, HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, OPTIONS, ORIGIN, ORIGINS, PATCH, POST, PUT, QUIC, REST, SESSION, SHOULD, SPDY, TRACE, TRACK
How safe is the website
Google Safety Rank:No data yet
WOT Safety Evaluation:No data yet
Child Safety by WOT:No data yet
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