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Site description: 42 El sitio de las promociones de su tarjeta.
Website title: Santander Twist
Website Overview: The server, which itself is located in San Antonio; United States, has an IP address Overall there are 10 off-site links on the homepage of the website. Expiration of will occur on January 12th in 2018. Alexa Global rank for is 475782. Domain was probably registered on January 13th in 2011. This domain's WHOIS records was updated on December 14th in 2016. The past 3 months resulted in Alexa position shift by -69572 for
Known Profiles
Google Plus Account:Not specified at this time
AddThis User:Not specified at this time
Google Analytics:Not specified at this time
Adsense ID:Not specified at this time
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Site Whois details
Renew date:December 14th in 2016
Unedited Whois text:

Domain Name: Created On: 2011-01-13 Expiration Date: 2018-01-12 Last Updated On: 2016-12-14 Registrar: Akky (Una division de NIC Mexico) URL: Whois TCP URI: Whois Web URL: Registrant: Name: BANCO SANTANDER MEXICO, S.A., INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE GRUPO FINANCIERO SANTANDER MEXICO City: D.F. State: Distrito Federal Country: Mexico Administrative Contact: Name: BANCO SANTANDER MEXICO, S.A. UNIDAD DE PROPIEDAD INDUSTRIAL City: D.F. State: Distrito Federal Country: Mexico Technical Contact: Name: ADMINISTRADOR DOMINIOS INTERNET SANTANDER MEXICO . City: QUERETARO State: Queretaro Country: Mexico Billing Contact: Name: FERNANDEZ OROPEZA Y ASOCIADOS, S.C. City: D.F. State: Distrito Federal Country: Mexico Name Servers: DNS: DNS: DNSSEC DS Records:

Expected expiration:January 12th in 2018
Creation date:January 13th in 2011
How frequently employedTag keywords tableUse denseness
No data yet<%metaservice.metaKeywords()%>No data yet
Known Alexa ranks data
Rank in target country:No data yet
Alexa stats updated on:June 16th in 2018
Global Alexa rank over the past year
Capacity rating:No data yet
Delta of the rating:-69572
30 day statistics overview
Global ranking:475782
Webpage target country:No data yet
Complementary links
Not specified at this time
Frequent website domain typos:
Server header response:
Cache-Control: no-cache Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-CH, Accept-Charset, Accept-Datetime, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Ext, Accept-Features, Accept-Language, Accept-Params, Accept-Ranges, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, Age, Allow, Alternates, Authentication-Info, Authorization, C-Ext, C-Man, C-Opt, C-PEP, C-PEP-Info, CONNECT, Cache-Control, Compliance, Connection, Content-Base, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-ID, Content-Language, Content-Length, Content-Location, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Script-Type, Content-Security-Policy, Content-Style-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, Content-Type, Content-Version, Cookie, Cost, DAV, DELETE, DNT, DPR, Date, Default-Style, Delta-Base, Depth, Derived-From, Destination, Differential-ID, Digest, ETag, Expect, Expires, Ext, From, GET, GetProfile, HEAD, HTTP-date, Host, IM, If, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, Keep-Alive, Label, Last-Event-ID, Last-Modified, Link, Location, Lock-Token, MIME-Version, Man, Max-Forwards, Media-Range, Message-ID, Meter, Negotiate, Non-Compliance, OPTION, OPTIONS, OWS, Opt, Optional, Ordering-Type, Origin, Overwrite, P3P, PEP, PICS-Label, POST, PUT, Pep-Info, Permanent, Position, Pragma, ProfileObject, Protocol, Protocol-Query, Protocol-Request, Proxy-Authenticate, Proxy-Authentication-Info, Proxy-Authorization, Proxy-Features, Proxy-Instruction, Public, RWS, Range, Referer, Refresh, Resolution-Hint, Resolver-Location, Retry-After, Safe, Sec-Websocket-Extensions, Sec-Websocket-Key, Sec-Websocket-Origin, Sec-Websocket-Protocol, Sec-Websocket-Version, Security-Scheme, Server, Set-Cookie, Set-Cookie2, SetProfile, SoapAction, Status, Status-URI, Strict-Transport-Security, SubOK, Subst, Surrogate-Capability, Surrogate-Control, TCN, TE, TRACE, Timeout, Title, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, UA-Color, UA-Media, UA-Pixels, UA-Resolution, UA-Windowpixels, URI, Upgrade, User-Agent, Variant-Vary, Vary, Version, Via, Viewport-Width, WWW-Authenticate, Want-Digest, Warning, Width, X-Content-Duration, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-CustomHeader, X-DNSPrefetch-Control, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Frame-Options, X-Modified, X-OTHER, X-PING, X-PINGOTHER, X-Powered-By, X-Requested-With Set-Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6ImdTOWEyb0E2S2NGYStaZVlFeUVIeWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiNXA4c2s1XC81VVV6TXMwY3FZcVJBalc4Y1NOMXFZSHY3b3RYZlZiTWhrTGM4QjYrbmVjd0I1ME04d1RTT2U0UVwvN1Z2cWNMTmVGRjFidUNJbE1UUis2dz09IiwibWFjIjoiODE1MWYwYTNiOGExZDQzMjRlMmRhZTRjNDg0ODE3Nzk4MWJmZDA1NjIxMDRlYjlhNjg3YWNlMTA4MGFlZTlkOSJ9; expires=Thu, 18-May-2017 13:45:50 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/ Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 11:45:50 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400 Set-Cookie: laravel_session=eyJpdiI6ImprT2o3UEc3Y3dZQlFZSGtIbEhLaXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTTVCZjh3R0N6NUh0UXh4Yk5USm1xc0FwYnBQXC92YTM4M0FyYzB0Vjk4eXQ5R1lMdEhINFR3cHR1cEtqV2lZRlA1ZkRldnNWdGlCTHMwVHJ3Q3czcEpBPT0iLCJtYWMiOiJkMWMxNTUxZWUxODI3MWRhYWNiZTgzYWI1YTY1YmFkMjIzNmE0NWYwNDY0ZDQzMDQ4M2U4YzBlMzcwNjI3NjFkIn0%3D; expires=Thu, 18-May-2017 13:45:50 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; httponly HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Server: Apache Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
How safe is the website
Google Safety Rank:No data yet
WOT Safety Evaluation:No data yet
Child Safety by WOT:No data yet
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