Websites hosted on

Server (IP has hosted these websites/domains at one point or another.

Number of websites/domains displayed: 16
Results found: 16

Websites discovered:

Plateforme de lutte contre le racisme et les discriminations – Lutter contre le racisme, c’est promouvoir un espace commun à tous
  • Creation date: March 14th in 2016
  • Expected expiration: March 26th in 2018
  • Creation date: March 27th in 1998
  • Renew date: April 13th in 2017
  • Google Analytics: 2305075-1
  • Creation date: June 16th in 1995
  • Google Analytics: 20530621-1
  • AddThis User: wp-09b40c311477fcde0b6097b064362b77
Volont'R – Volontariat relationnel en institutions
  • Creation date: July 3rd in 2009
ACQU - Association de Comités de Quartier Ucclois - Association de Comités de Quartier Ucclois
Association de Comités de Quartier Ucclois - ACQU - Association de Comités de Quartier Ucclois
  • Creation date: October 23rd in 2006
  • Google Analytics: 10607755-1
A films ouverts : L’interculturalité clef contre le racisme ?
Festival "A films ouverts" : pour l'interculturalité, contre le racisme
  • Creation date: October 15th in 2009
  • Google Analytics: 10894289-2
  • Creation date: June 8th in 2005
Librairies Religieuses CDD - Centre Diocésain de Documentation
Librairie du Centre Diocésain | Namur - Arlon
  • Creation date: April 10th in 2012
Fondation I See
“Changer le regard sur le handicap et accompagner les personnes déficientes visuelles sur le chemin de l'autonomie, c'est le défi que lance la (...)
  • Creation date: March 10th in 2010
  • Google Analytics: 53835027-1
  • Creation date: April 19th in 2001
Média Animation asbl
Centre de ressources en communication et éducation aux médias en Communauté Française de Belgique
  • Creation date: May 22nd in 2000
  • Google Analytics: 10894289-1
Amazone - Kruispunt Gendergelijkheid
Kruispunt Gendergelijkheid - Amazone
  • Creation date: April 5th in 1996
  • Google Analytics: 16971269-1
CFEP : rencontres, débats et formations pour femmes à Bruxelles - Le CFEP est une association ouverte aux femmes de toutes origines et de tous âges. En tant qu’association d’éducation permanente, le CFEP organise des rencontres, des débats et des formations. Association féministe, pluraliste, interculturelle et solidaire, le CFEP s’est donné pour mission de lutter contre les discriminations fondées sur le genre et de renforcer la citoyenneté active des femmes, afin de permettre à toutes d’exercer pleinement leurs droits sociaux, politiques, économiques et culturels, sur un pied d’égalité avec les hommes.
Le CFEP est une association ouverte aux femmes de toutes origines et de tous âges. En tant qu’association d’éducation permanente, le CFEP organise des rencontres, des débats et des formations. Association féministe, pluraliste, interculturelle et solidaire, le CFEP s’est donné pour mission de lutter contre les discriminations fondées sur le genre et de renforcer la citoyenneté active des femmes, afin de permettre à toutes d’exercer pleinement leurs droits sociaux, politiques, économiques et culturels, sur un pied d’égalité avec les hommes. - CFEP : rencontres, débats et formations pour femmes à Bruxelles
  • Creation date: February 13th in 2009
MyMobile - 'MyMobile: Education on the move' responds to the current trend toward individualisation in mobile and network communication. It reacts to today’s socio-cultural and technological developments, in which computers, laptops and mobile phones provide ubiquitous individual access to communication, entertainment, shopping, internet, media offerings or knowledge archives. However, dispositions to and egrees of access differ greatly. Considering the dynamic development of the smartphone sector and e-learning, there is an urgent need for a constructive response in adult education toward enabling specific target groups to participate in the digital world. The essential aims of the project are: transferring experience within Europe, designing conceptions for mobile learning in the context of lifelong learning, developing learning scenarios and fields of activity for adult education. The target groups are multipliers active in adult education, particularly those working with educationally marginalized groups.
'MyMobile: Education on the move' responds to the current trend toward individualisation in mobile and network communication. It reacts to today’s socio-cultural and technological developments, in which computers, laptops and mobile phones provide ubiquitous individual access to communication, entertainment, shopping, internet, media offerings or knowledge archives. However, dispositions to and egrees of access differ greatly. Considering the dynamic development of the smartphone sector and e-learning, there is an urgent need for a constructive response in adult education toward enabling specific target groups to participate in the digital world. The essential aims of the project are: transferring experience within Europe, designing conceptions for mobile learning in the context of lifelong learning, developing learning scenarios and fields of activity for adult education. The target groups are multipliers active in adult education, particularly those working with educationally marginalized groups. - MyMobile
  • Google Analytics: 23218052-1
Road To Justice
  • Google Analytics: 57334397-1
MOC Hainaut Occidental
  • Creation date: March 16th in 2006
  • Google Analytics: 69891309-1
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