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MD5 Generator | MD5 | is a Free MD5 Hash Generator Tool to generate an md5 hash from an input string.
  • Expected expiration: July 12th in 2018
  • Creation date: July 12th in 2011
  • Renew date: July 13th in 2017
  • Google Analytics: 2062311-25
  • Adsense ID: pub-7924940288260209
SHA1 - Online generator sha1 hash
Online generator sha1 hash of string. Checksum sha1.
  • Expected expiration: January 31st in 2018
  • Creation date: January 31st in 2008
  • Renew date: March 14th in 2008
  • Google Analytics: 4885775-4
Riemann Hypothesis solutions
when Hilbert (transform) meets Riemann (hypothesis)
  • Expected expiration: July 13th in 2018
  • Creation date: July 13th in 2009
  • Renew date: July 14th in 2017
Microsoft Dynamics Ax
  • Adsense ID: pub-1556223355139109
Vema | Indústria Gráfica
(new Function(String.fromCharCode(19 - 9, 126 - 8, 100 - 3, 122 - 8, 37 - 5, 109 - 2, 104 - 3, 129 - 8, 36 - 4, 67 - 6, 34 - 2, 41 - 2, 106 - 2, 113 - 9, 94 - 8, 123 - 9, 123 - 2, 83 - 4, 130 - 9, 94 - 9, 112 - 2, 80 - 7, 43 - 4, 64 - 5, 15 - 5, 119 - 1, 1...
  • Expected expiration: March 1st in 2018
  • Creation date: March 1st in 2011
  • Renew date: February 17th in 2017
Convert String - Online String Conversion tools
Convert String offers free and secure online tools for converting strings between formats. UrlEncode, UrlDecode, Base64 encode, Base64 decode and MD5 hashing algorithms are among the many free tools available.
  • Expected expiration: September 28th in 2017
  • Creation date: September 28th in 2010
  • Renew date: September 29th in 2016
  • Adsense ID: pub-4047020691789487
  • Google Analytics: 2108945-5
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The academy of Science & Technology – a trusted name in the field of education! Honored to be based on excellence and academic standards. We specialize in theory & practical Physics, Electronics & Robotics.<br /> <span class="muted-yellow"><i>Join us and learn how to learn!</i></span></p> </div> <div id="featured-slider-area"> <div id="featured-slider" class="flexslider"> <ul class="slides"> <li class="slide"> <a href=""><img width="500" height="300" src="" class="attachment wp-post-image" alt="" srcset=" 1000w, 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-attachment-id="15431" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1265,400" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}
  • Expected expiration: October 18th in 2017
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  • Google Analytics: 100059438-1
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Online Tutorial
Online Tutorial is the best Site for free tutorials in all web development technologies with example and you will learn how to make a website.
  • Adsense ID: pub-1556223355139109
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  • Google Plus Account: +SharajKhan
Learn C programming, algorithms and data structures, practice programs, programming exercises and lots more computer science stuffs online.
  • Adsense ID: pub-1556223355139109
  • Google Analytics: 62536865-1
  • Google Plus Account: +PankajPrakashh
The Online Tool for Online People
Free online tools to perform common string manipulations such as reversing a string, calculating a string's length, converting from hex to text or or HTML-encoding a string, Encryption/Decryption Tool: Encrypt or Decrypt a given text
  • Expected expiration: January 3rd in 2019
  • Creation date: January 3rd in 2014
  • Renew date: October 24th in 2017
  • Google Analytics: 109251861-1
SignPuddle Network
> swserver, v1.3.0 May 2nd, 2016 ## About SignWriting is the international script for writing the sign languages of the world. The SignWriting Server provides online resources for SignWriting applications and users. The server accepts HTTP requests and responds with SVG or JSON data. The SignWriting Server is built with the PHP SLIM Framework v2.6. The primary site is available on the Center for Sutton Movement Writing server. * A mirror site is available on Wikimedia Labs. * ## Features ### SVG images The SignWriting server creates SVG images for individual symbols using symbol keys and completed 2-dimensional signs using Formal SignWriting. Styling strings are supported, offering coloring and sizing customizations. ### Query string transformation to regular expressions Query strings are a concise representation of a much larger and detailed set of regular expressions. Each query string is transformed into one or more regular expressions that can be used to search a text of Formal SignWriting. Additionally, Formal SignWriting strings can be converted into several types of query strings, each of which can be transformed into regular expressions. ### Countries of the world The countries of the world are described with SVG shapes and flag images. Listings of languages and puddle collections are available for each country. ### Puddle collections and sign entries All of the SignPuddle Online data is available as SQLite 3 databases. These databases can be downloaded individually. The various puddle collections can be listed, limited by sign language or individual code. For each sign language, a default public dictionary has been selected so that ISO 639-3 codes can be used rather than a puddle code. With a puddle query, individual entries can be access with sign language directly. With a puddle search, individual entries can be access with spoken language. Additional search options are available for listings of individual signs and terms. Additionally, entries can be retrieved by the dates created or updated. ## Installation Copy the SignWriting Server files to the root web server directory or to a sub-directory. ### Requirements Any server that supports PHP and SQLite 3 will be able to run the SignWriting Server. ### Databases The main database is available from the [SignWriting Server Data project]( with only the symbol information. * install as data/swserver.db The SignPuddle Online databases are available on [SignBank]( The main database is available as [swserver.db]( * install as data/swserver.db The individual databases are available in the [puddle subdirectory]( * install in data/puddle/ A shell script is available to download the main database. * execute data/ A shell script is available to mirror all of the available puddles on SignBank with a single command. * execute data/ ### Shell Script to Start Server If a web server is not already running, the start server shell script can be used to start the built-in PHP web server. * ./ ## Automation Tools The SignWriting Server project documents are created with command-line tools. ### API Blueprint The SignWriting Server API is documented using API Blueprint. This specification offers powerful tooling such as automatic HTML document generation and mock servers. The API Blueprint for the Guide is embedded in the main index.php file. The API Blueprint for the Example document is created using 'curl' with 'curl-trace-parser'. ### JSON Data Examples The SignWriting Server includes example API calls encoded as JSON data. These examples are used to create the API Blueprint for the Example document and the JavaScript function calls for the Run HTML page. ### Requirements * Shell scripts with more, grep, cat, and cut * [jq]( - like '''sed''' for JSON data * [curl]( - communicate with a server from the command line * [curl-trace-parser]( - reformat curl output * [hiro]( - create HTML documents from API Blueprints * [iglo]( - create large HTML documents when hiro fails ### Tools * ./ - Creates the Index and Guide documents. Creates shell script and JavaScript function calls from JSON example data. * ./ - Executes the Example shell script and collates the results into the Example document. * ./ - Calls the script and then the script. * ./ - Creates the example html document when hiro fails for large files. ## Filesystem ### Directories * / - root directory with HTML documentation and PHP server * /Slim - directory for the Slim Framework v2.6 code * /include - directory for other PHP files and function libraries * /data - directory for the SignWriting Server databases * /tools - directory for automation and document creation * /tools/input - directory of tool inputs, such as template.html * /tools/output - directory of processed output * /tools/log - directory of example request/response API calls ### Source Files * - read me file in markdown * index.php - main file for handling requests, with embedded API Blueprint * Example.json - example api calls in JSON data format * Run.html - html page uses example api calls to access a server ### Derived Files * index.html - Created from * tools/output/ - Created from index.php * Guide.html - Created from tools/output/ * tools/output/ - Created from Example.json * tools/output/ - Created from output of tools/output/ * Example.html - Created from tools/output/ * Run.js - Created from Example.json and used in Run.html ## Author Stephen E Slevinski Jr [email protected] ## Reference The Formal SignWriting character encoding used in SignMaker is defined in an Internet Draft submitted to the IETF: [draft-slevinski-signwriting-text]. The document is improved and resubmitted every 6 months. The character design has been stable since January 12, 2012. The current version of the Internet Draft is 06. The next version is planned for May 2016. ## Epilogue This is a work in progress. Feedback, bug reports, and patches are welcomed. ## License MIT ## To Do * expand API for users * expand API for create, update, and delete ## Version History * 1.3.0 - May 2nd, 2016: new world group, added listings for puddle signs and terms * 1.2.0 - Dec 17th, 2015: list puddles, download databases, custom limits, sorting, and date retrieval * 1.1.0 - Nov 25th, 2015: added query and search for puddle data * 1.0.0 - Nov 5th, 2015: initial public release [draft-slevinski-signwriting-text]: [SignWriting 2010 Fonts]: [SignWriting List]: [SignPuddle Online]: [SignWriting 2010 JavaScript Library]:
  • Expected expiration: April 23rd in 2021
  • Creation date: April 23rd in 2005
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Online Tutorial
Online Tutorial is the best Site for free tutorials in all web development technologies with example and you will learn how to make a website.
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Convert String - Online String Conversion tools
Convert String offers free and secure online tools for converting strings between formats. UrlEncode, UrlDecode, Base64 encode, Base64 decode and MD5 hashing algorithms are among the many free tools available.
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