Domains targeting keyword facts behind faith

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AskWhy! Home | Christian and Jewish History, Origins, and Morality
AskWhy! Books explains Christianity and Judaism, and Christian and Jewish origins, their history, faults, fallacies, and alternatives, based on truth not wishful thinking—faith!—but on scientific and historical evidence. The real history of these religions is rational, unlike the sacred history. For Adelphiasophism and Secular Christianity, a bible has to be a personal worldview, a guide to morality and preserving the world, should serve educationally, for inspiration, as a source of facts and as a basic moral text. It should be a primer of philosophy, science and society. It would explain our relationship with other creatures, and our place in the solar system and the universe, and our duties and responsibilities to each other and to Nature. The guiding stars of Nature are wisdom and empathy. Adelphiasophists do not fear the vengeance of any vindictive and jealous god, but see society as part of Nature, the Great Mother of all things, into whose world we are born to nourish and protect us. If we offend Nature, harm the world, it will hurt us back—eventually.
  • Renew date: May 5th in 2017
  • Google Analytics: 3822081-1
  • Adsense ID: pub-9966428420004283
Facts Behind Faith
The Kabbalah behind the Bible, the astrology behind the Kabbalah. Stunning, clear evidence illuminates our spiritual traditions with rational insights.
  • Expected expiration: March 5th in 2021
  • Creation date: March 5th in 2004
  • Renew date: March 14th in 2016
Sadly* the product of the Definitive Map Review is riddled with conspiracy to defraud according to the Fraud Act 2006. DEFRA's creation in 2001 appears a significant necessity to accommodate the machinery of public office fraud and political agenda, to undermine the heritage of England & Wales. Coincidental? – Twenty years after the 20 year rule of the Highways Act 1980 was written into the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981; DEFRA incited multiple appropriations and overt abuses of historic fact & common law evidence, that that overtly correlates to recorded facts which clearly predates the Norman Conquest – 1066, -it's been systematically manipulated since the 1990s. Sham public rights of way inquiries take place, often but not always, chaired by bias scoundrels like Peter Millman, Susan Doran or Helen Slade who write perjurous reports. [*exposing the rot!] | Devon County Council's public rights of ways department's bad faith in common purpose with the British Horse Society, in collaboration with others: DEFRA & the Planning Inspectorate at Bristol, have destroyed the accuracy of the Definitive Map by fraudulent means. DEFRA's creation in 2001 appears to be founded for procuring public rights of way where they don't currently exist. Politics required an administrator for the corruption: "Kick out any potential whistle-blowers, & claim the necessary twenty years identified in the Highways Act 1980, ─as written into the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, when it passed.". Fantastically ornate fictional discoveries of evidence have been made; they in turn have been (continue to be) placed before wilfully corrupt inspectors like Peter Millman, Susan Doran or Helen Slade, who add their own gloss &/or slippery embellishment: bad faith, to make the Definitive Map more folly than our most fascinating heritage deserves. This corruption does not conform with Parliament's desire or intention. The criminality and public fraud is caught by the Fraud Act 2006. -Why does this overt corruption remain unpunished & impunity appear normal? Should local authorities be granted more power, if there is significant evidence of greater corruption at local government level?
  • Expected expiration: September 7th in 2018
  • Creation date: September 7th in 2014
  • Renew date: August 8th in 2017
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