Domains targeting keyword object theory

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Epoché (ἐποχή)
An online philosophy magazine, delivered monthly.
  • Expected expiration: August 5th in 2023
  • Creation date: August 5th in 2017
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Hier denken we zelf na.
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Mosaicos: Spanish As A World Language (6Th Edition) - Standalone Book,Epigenetics: The Death Of The Genetic Theory Of Disease Transmission,Water Distribution Grades 1 2 Wso: Awwa Water System Operatio
    Music Technology Club
    Ward Melville Music Technology Club. We meet on mondays after school in the music theory room.
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      • Expected expiration: April 20th in 2020
      • Creation date: April 20th in 2008
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      The European Graduate School - The European Graduate School
      The Division of Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought of the European Graduate School provides Master and Doctoral programs.
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      Register Online! Best coaching of XII Electronics with practicals! Register Now! 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The academy of Science & Technology – a trusted name in the field of education! Honored to be based on excellence and academic standards. We specialize in theory & practical Physics, Electronics & Robotics.<br /> <span class="muted-yellow"><i>Join us and learn how to learn!</i></span></p> </div> <div id="featured-slider-area"> <div id="featured-slider" class="flexslider"> <ul class="slides"> <li class="slide"> <a href=""><img width="500" height="300" src="" class="attachment wp-post-image" alt="" srcset=" 1000w, 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-attachment-id="15431" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1265,400" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}
      • Expected expiration: October 18th in 2017
      • Creation date: October 18th in 2015
      • Renew date: April 23rd in 2017
      • Google Analytics: 100059438-1
      • Google Plus Account: 108084238365759248859
      Object Theory - Microsoft HoloLens Software Design and Development
      Object Theory is a software development agency focused on the creation of mixed reality applications for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality.
      • Expected expiration: December 20th in 2017
      • Creation date: December 20th in 2007
      • Renew date: June 13th in 2016
      • Google Analytics: 64725974-1
      Innovative manufacturing software and consulting for small and medium-sized industrial enterprises: ERP, MRP, APS, SCM and MES in order to enhance efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
      • Renew date: July 26th in 2015
      :: Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory :: An International Journal of Research and Surveys
      Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory is an international journal published quarterly. The journal publishes papers in all aspects of nonlinear dynamics and systems theory according to its scope. The object of the journal is to promote collaboration in the world community and to develop the contemporary nonlinear dynamics and systems theory
        Science lab Equipment | Higher Physics experiments apparatus lab models Manufacturer
        Manufacturer Educational Equipments Supply, School Educational Products Exporters, Science Lab Supplies, Scientific Laboratory Instruments Indian Manufacturers, Electronics Education Aids Kits Models Trainers,Science Experiment Kits, Science Project Kits, Human Anatomy Model, Science, Indosaw, Osaw Industrial Products Pvt. Ltd., A to Z Science & Math lab products for primary, middle, secondary and higher secondary schools, Total Turnkey Solutions for Science College Lab Equipment, Instruments & Training Models, Complete range of Engineering Lab Equipment, Engineering Educational Equipment and Lab Models for Polytechnics, Technical Training Institutes & Engineering Colleges, Vernier, Gunt, Engineering Educational Equipment, Engineering Equipments Manufacturers, Engineering Equipments India, Engineering Equipments Suppliers, Engineering Equipments, Engineering Equipments Supplies, Indian Engineering Equipments, Civil Engineering Models, Engineering Equipments, Automobile Lab Equipments, Air Conditioning Lab Equipments, Theory of Machines Lab Equipments, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments, Thermodynamics Lab Equipments, Object Drawing Models, Construction Engineering Equipments, Hydraulics Mechanics Lab Equipments, Heat Engine Lab Equipments, Refrigeration Lab Equipments, Construction Machines Engineering Models, Momentum Transfer Lab Equipments, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab Equipments, Applied Mechanics Lab Equipments, Engineering Lab Equipments, Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments, Engineering Models, Engineering Educational Equipments, Mass Transfer Lab Equipments, Heat Transfer Lab Equipments, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, STEM
        • Expected expiration: February 11th in 2027
        • Creation date: February 11th in 2011
        • Renew date: February 11th in 2017
        • Google Analytics: 79783134-1
        • Google Plus Account: 100422707995661799462
        Corollary Theorems website
        Welcome to Corollary Theorems website, the cover page.
        • Expected expiration: February 11th in 2021
        • Creation date: February 11th in 2004
        • Renew date: January 5th in 2018
        Nikolay A. Atanasov
          musicU.Live | Teach or learn to play instruments online I musicU

          musicU.Live is a hub where you can teach or learn to play instruments, music theory and composition through online music classes for adults and kids.
          • Google Analytics: 109132457-1
          Welcome to the personal web site of Kathryn Z. Hadley PhD

          Kathryn Z. (Zadrozny) Hadley is a professor of physics, enthusiastic about teaching many aspects of physics, and dedicated to pursuing her research in astrophysics theory. One current project involves the inclusion of a resolved star as the central object in the system, as opposed to a point-mass star. Spatial resolution of the star allows modes of oscillation to arise in the star. Gravitational coupling between the star and disk allows the stellar modes to influence the evolution of the modes in the disk.
          • Expected expiration: March 26th in 2018
          • Creation date: March 26th in 2010
          • Renew date: March 2nd in 2016
          The Probability and Statistics Cookbook

          A succinct reference in probability theory and statistics
          • Google Analytics: 1823891-3
          Contemporary art in Ireland and beyond • Circa Art Magazine

          For 36 years and counting, essays, reviews, analysis around the theory and practice of contemporary art on the island of Ireland and further afield
          • Google Analytics: 15870517-2
          Elan Kiderman

          I work for a news organization called Quartz, where I design award-winning news products, data visualization platforms, brands, and tools. In my spare time, I also teach design to master's students at the CUNY Journalism school. I have a BA in Creativity Theory and master's in Integrated Product Design. I obsess a lot over the hidden politics of things, and cultural memory as a design object.
          • Expected expiration: January 10th in 2019
          • Creation date: January 10th in 2012
          • Renew date: February 11th in 2018
          • Google Analytics: 110501643-1
          • Google Plus Account: 105502199532525442597
          Waifu is laifu

          Waifu originated from Anime as the term used for wife or Anime girlfriend. This site is all about Waifu, such as Waifu voting, theory, and discussion.
          • Google Analytics: 87672036-1
          • Adsense ID: pub-1556223355139109
          Theory of Self

          Philosophy, Economics, Psychology, Advice.
          • Expected expiration: December 21st in 2018
          • Creation date: December 21st in 2016
          • Renew date: March 8th in 2017
          • Google Analytics: 24232453-2
          • Google Plus Account: 103654360130207659246
          Cadabra: a field theory motivated approach to computer algebra

          Cadabra is a symbolic computer algebra system designed to solve problems in classical and quantum field theory.
            Push and Pull factors of Immigration for Kids ***
            Find EXAMPLES of Push and Pull factors of Immigration to America for kids. List of Push and Pull factors of Immigration to America. Economic, political, environmental, social Push and Pull factors of Immigration to America for kids, children, homework and schools.
            • Adsense ID: pub-2529405258284775
            • Google Analytics: 35750304-41
            • Google Plus Account: +LindaAlchin
              Simplynotes - Online Notes for MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA, MCOM, BCOM, MSc., BSc., Bio Technology Engineering, Medical Notes, Projects, Last Year Papers, PPt, Entrance Exam Study Material, Vocab Builder
              Online Notes for MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA, MCOM, BCOM, MSc., BSc., Bio Technology Engineering, Medical Notes, Projects, Last Year Papers, PPt, Entrance Exam Study Material, Vocab Builder
              • Expected expiration: March 12th in 2018
              • Creation date: March 12th in 2016
              • Renew date: March 13th in 2017
              • Adsense ID: pub-8026286068725220
              • Google Analytics: 76450092-1
              • AddThis User: xa-508dd6f042d9364c
              Game Theory
                Transforming social conflict to create lasting solutions for people and wildlife
                Around the world, social conflicts related to conservation issues are serious obstacles to both wildlife conservation efforts and local communities' way of life. To address such conflicts, the Center for Conservation Peacebuilding (CPeace) pioneered the application of conservation conflict transformation (CCT) theory, skills, and strategies. People who implement and engage in CCT practices report improved…
                  Basic Music Theory (Audiobook): How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music - Basic Music Theory (Audiobook)
                  Basic Music Theory (Audiobook edition), by Jonathan Harnum, Ph.D. This site supports the audiobook by providing all the visuals from the book in slideshows for audiobook listeners.
                  • Google Analytics: 7870337-1
                  • Google Plus Account: +JonHarnum
         | join our free music theory course for EDM producers
                  You'll learn just enough music theory to radically improve the musicality of your tracks. It's taught from a DAW perspective. No opt-in required. It's free.
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                  Object-Oriented Philosophy | "The centaur of classical metaphysics shall be mated with the cheetah of actor-network theory."
                  "The centaur of classical metaphysics shall be mated with the cheetah of actor-network theory."
                    T4Tutorials – Logics are complex. We make it easy.
                    Database systems Object Oriented C++ Software Engineering Operating Systems Theory Of Automata HTML   CSS  Data Mining  SEO Software Testing    E-Commerce  XML  Web Ontology Online Earning Methods  Career After Degree Research Methodology C++ Digital Logic Design We Welcome our all visitor...
                    • Expected expiration: October 14th in 2018
                    • Creation date: October 14th in 2016
                    • Renew date: March 6th in 2017
                    • Adsense ID: pub-8016209986524467
                    • Google Analytics: 91458999-1
                    • Google Plus Account: 114819898871019333247
                    Jobs to be Done
                    Managed by Alan Klement, is where JTBD practitioners share their experience, tools, and stories of using the theory of Jobs to be Done to become great at creating and selling products that people will buy. Everyone is welcome to submit a contribution.
                    • Expected expiration: May 28th in 2017
                    • Creation date: May 28th in 2014
                    • Renew date: May 27th in 2016
                    • Google Analytics: 24232453-2
                    • Google Plus Account: 103654360130207659246
                    Simple IT 🤘 Rocks | Clutter-free software concepts. Written on the go.
                    Software development and server administration for human beings . Practical concepts, theory and tutorials.
                    • Google Analytics: 28572639-2
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