Domains associated with Justin Tanis

The list of 1 domains that are associated with Justin Tanis in one way or another.

Number of websites/domains displayed: 1
Results found: 1

Websites discovered:

National Transgender Discrimination Survey | National Center for Transgender Equality
In 2016, NCTE released the report of the U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS), a second iteration of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS), that measures how things are now and how they have changed over the past five years since the release of the NTDS. With almost 28,000 respondents, the USTS is the largest survey ever devoted to the lives and experiences of trans people. Read the report at 2011, NCTE and the National LGBTQ Task Force released the report of the NTDS. Interviews with over 6,400 transgender and gender non-conforming people made it the largest such study at the time it was conducted. The study has been a game changer—both for our policy work and for cultural change. For the first time, we were able to quantify the discrimination and violence transgender people face. The findings from the NTDS are available in multiple reports that cover specific subpopulations and issues.Transgender people face discrimination and violence throughout society, from their family growing up, in school, at work, by homeless shelters, by doctors, in emergency rooms, before judges, by landlords, and even police officers.
  • Expected expiration: January 28th in 2019
  • Creation date: January 28th in 2011
  • Renew date: January 8th in 2016
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