Domains associated with Rosemary Haynes

The list of 1 domains that are associated with Rosemary Haynes in one way or another.

Number of websites/domains displayed: 1
Results found: 1

Websites discovered:

NAHRA - North American Hunting Retriever Association - NAHRA - North American Hunting Retriever Association
NAHRA, is the first organization dedicated to preserving the skills of the hunting retriever. NAHRA incorporated in 1984 and is the originator of developing standards to test retriever using realistic hunting scenarios. Dogs compete against a set of standards set forth in our rule book, not each other. Advanced titles require dogs to demonstrate proficiency in both upland and waterfowl work. Field tests are realistic, simulated hunting scenarios, with distances and conditions that hunters would encounter in the field. NAHRA supports hunting, gun, and retriever clubs throughout the U.S. and Canada.
  • Expected expiration: January 19th in 2018
  • Creation date: January 19th in 1999
  • Renew date: March 11th in 2017
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